MLE Travel Diary

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Tag: must see


How To Visit Japan For One Week

Sharing how to visit Japan for one week, from entry and Visa requirements to which cities to visit and what to do.

Add Banff National Park To Your Bucket List Now

If you haven’t yet been to or heard of Banff National Park, you NEED to add it to your bucket list! There are a ton of stunning lakes and trails to explore!

The Best Luxury Hotel In Lausanne, Switzerland

Looking for the best luxury hotel in Lausanne, Switzerland? Beau-Rivage Palace is the perfect spot for you! This hotel was on my bucket list for so long...

The Best 9 Things to Do in Croatia This Summer

Croatia was the first country I ever traveled abroad to (without my parents). My sister and I got to spend 3 incredible weeks in this beautiful country...

10 Stunning Sights to See in Paris This Summer

I went to Paris for the first time in the summer of 2021 and was so amazed by all of the architecture, buildings and delicious food. Crêpes & croissants galore!