MLE Travel Diary

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girl in pink sports bra smiling at the camera with the sun shining at griffith observatory. view of downtown los angeles skyline in the background.

Hi, I'm Marissa

full-time CPA by weekday, avid traveler by weekend.

📍 Los Angeles

girl in pink sports bra smiling at the camera with the sun shining at griffith observatory. view of downtown los angeles skyline in the background.

I see so many blogs and TikToks saying “just quit your job and travel!” Okay but then what?! I’m not convinced all of us are destined to be forever nomads, wandering around the globe far away from our friends and family. That’s what I’m here for – to inspire you to take the big vacations and long weekends away from work. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll end up like those wistful messages, trying to convince you to quit your corporate job and seek something bigger and better. Either way, I promise to keep it 100% real and authentic (as authentic as one can be online) with my travels, aspirations and experiences along the way.

I went to Europe for the first time with my sister in May 2019. We spent 3 whole weeks in Croatia, and it was then that I knew I wanted to keep traveling and see as much of the world as I possibly could. Of course, less than a year later, the entire world shut down and all my travel plans were put on pause.

Since the world has started reopening, I have been checking both domestic and international destinations off my bucket list. This past summer, I let my Los Angeles lease go and began traveling and working remotely throughout the United States.

I eventually came to learn that what I wanted actually was not to quit my job and travel the world, but rather to build a life where I could balance my corporate career and passion for adventure and seeing new places.

Enter MLE Travel Diary:

Enter MLE Travel Diary:

My digital travel journal where I will be sharing my stories, dream destination inspiration, insta-worthy itineraries, and tips for traveling while working full-time.

My digital travel journal where I will be sharing my stories, dream destination inspiration, insta-worthy itineraries, and tips for traveling while working full-time.

Thank you so much for stopping by! Add your email below to stay in the loop and follow along my journey.