Nothing hits harder than the post-vacation blues. If you’re like me, you’re back home, sitting on your couch wondering “what next?” My friends and family have been making fun of me for texting them 24/7 trying to get them to travel with me.😂

So, I decided to take some time to reflect on what it is about travel that excites me, and how to incorporate that more at home. Big shoutout to my best friend here in being a sounding board and pushing me to really reflect! The following post details four things I am trying to incorporate into my life at home more. I wanted to share with you if you struggle with something similar after getting back from vacations!

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This is something I do for every single new place I go to visit, so why not do it for home too?! I finally sat down and put together a list of 15 places that I have never been to. And don’t just make the list, but actively make an effort to check things off that list! 

Knowing myself, I am way more likely to do things if they are scheduled and on my calendar. So, I began texting friends who might be interested in visiting new places, and scheduling one per week. Regardless of whether or not I have someone to go with, having them scheduled in keeps me accountable.

Also, if you are looking for a place to compile all your lists, I highly recommend Notion. I found Notion a couple months ago and LOVE it. It is free, and there are a ton of templates you can choose from to help organize really any aspects of your life.

2. Brainstorm new activities you can try

I think in general, it is really good to learn a new skill or try a new activity at least once a year. But this is something I do a lot on vacation – try something new. So why not try new things in your hometown too!? I’ve compiled a list of some ideas if you need inspiration to start your own, or some additional ideas for your list:

  • Go to a cooking class; here in Los Angeles, Eataly has a ton of different cooking classes you can try out!
  • Try rollerblading, rollerskating, biking, etc
  • Wine and paint class
  • A new fitness class (cycling, Pilates, lagree, barre, yoga, Barry’s Bootcamp, Orange Theory Fitness, boxing, etc there are so many!)

Something that has helped me a lot is reflecting on what I liked to do for fun as a child. Sounds a bit silly, but I feel like the older you get, you tend to get away from those “simple” activities. But often, those are usually the ones that can bring the most joy!

3. Join a club where you can meet new people with similar interests

One of my favorite parts of traveling, if not my most favorite, is meeting new people. I love the fresh perspectives others have on life, and feel like I really learn so much from new friends. And what better way to meet friends than by doing something you love?

A few ideas for you to start with: a local run club, dance class, gym / fitness club, and volunteer organizations. Another great place where I’ve met a lot of awesome girls is Bumble BFF. For more suggestions, check out my blog post on my favorite ways to make friends in a new city here!

4. Plan your next vacation

Sometimes just having another trip on the books eases the anxiety of missing travel. I love having another trip to look forward to; I also think it helps me save money in the meantime because I know it’s coming up! Need inspiration? Check out my travel guides or explore by destination!

Any other tips or ideas how you incorporate the excitment of travel at home? Comment below, reach out to me on Instagram or email me here!
