Let me start off by saying I am a huge fan of solo travel and think everyone should do it, at least once. I think you learn so much about yourself, plus other benefits I’ll get to in a bit. 

It definitely gets easier, the more you do it, but I know how nerve-wracking it can be the first time you plan a solo travel trip! 

I traveled solo through Europe for the first time in the summer of 2021, going to Barcelona, Paris, Lagos and Lisbon. Using my personal experience, I’ve compiled 4 of my best tips for your next (or first!) solo travel trip.

And make sure to keep reading for why I think everyone should solo travel!

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1. Do your research ahead of time

Research the place(s) you are planning to go thoroughly before you get there. You want to have a good understanding of the culture, customs, language, and any potential dangers. This can also help you avoid uncomfortable situations in the moment! 

For example, a big difference between America and other countries is our tipping culture. In fact, tipping is actually seen as rude in other countries, so make sure you challenge what might be “normal” to you.

Having an understanding of where you want to go, and where everything is on a map is also a must. Tourists are known for looking lost and confused; you don’t want that to be you! 

I think it also takes away from the experience if you are constantly looking down at your phone when exploring a new city. You can check out my collections of Google Maps destinations for inspiration when planning your trip.

Also, I would highly recommend sharing your itinerary with someone back home ahead of time. This way, there will be someone who has a general sense of where you are and how you can be reached in case of an emergency.

2. Make sure you have a way to stay connected

Some standard phone plans include international service, so definitely check with your provider before starting your trip. I would advise getting a local SIM card, or paying extra for the international phone plan while you’re abroad. You never know when you will be in a situation you need to get out of, and need cell service to help you.

You can also get a portable Wi-Fi device. I won’t deny that the international phone plans can get expensive, and often only allow 1 GB of data per day. 

To help reduce your cellular usage, research cafes and other public spots that have free Wi-Fi you can log onto throughout the day. I’m a huge fan of staying disconnected while you’re traveling, but always having the option to get back online whenever you want.

3. Use Apple AirTags to track your suitcase

These are awesome when it comes to keeping track of your luggage, especially checked bags! I also like putting these in my purse at night / fanny-pack during the day when I’m out walking around. 

It gives me peace of mind to know that in case I forgot a a bag somewhere, or if it got stolen, I would be able to track it. You can buy a single Tag here or the 4-pack here on Amazon. 

4. Stay in a reputable hostel or other safe accomodations

When I solo traveled, I stayed exclusively in hostels for two main reasons. Firstly, it’s a great way to meet new people and make friends. There’s safety in numbers, and you can find people who want to explore the same sights as you! 

Secondly, most hostels have fairly strict security measures. In all the hostels I stayed in, there was a front desk, building access code and no outside guests allowed after curfew (usually 9 or 10 pm). This made me feel more at ease, as I knew I always had a secure home base to return to.

Make sure you do your research ahead of time; get recommendations from friends or other travel bloggers you trust! Feel free to always reach out to me as well; I have lots of recs and other advice I can offer. 

If you can afford to stay in hotels alone, these are also a great option for the same security reasons I mentioned before.

Why You Should Consider Solo Travel

Last but certainly not least, the why behind solo travel! First and foremost, I think spending time alone is one of the best ways to learn more about yourself. 

This past summer I moved to Boston for 3 months on my own, and had at least 3-4 hours every single day of “me” time. I got to discover new things about myself, and refine what makes me happy and what I want out of life. It was a very transformative experience; you can read more about it here

Additionally, you get to be selfish, but not in a negative way. You truly get to prioritize yourself first, do what you want to do, and go at your own pace. That being said, it’s great to stay open-minded to new experiences and be willing to try new things.

Lastly, it gets you out of your comfort zone and opens you up to experiencing different cultures. The more you get out of your comfort zone, the more confidence you build to do it again. 

I think a lot of my self-confidence has come from solo travel, reassuring me that I can do whatever I set my mind to! Here are some of my favorite moments from my escapades:

I explored the Palace of Monserrate alone when the girls I was with from my hostel wanted to go somewhere else!
friends I made in Lagos that I was genuinely so sad to leave 🙁 hoping our paths cross again in the future!
went for a LOT of walks alone and invested time into learning more about myself and what makes me happy!

Any questions or comments? Feel free to drop a message in the comment section below, or send me a DM on Instagram! Always here to help support you and your next adventure!
